Your Healthy Abundant Life

CST..... Try this if you want to feel calm and relaxed.

Cranial Sacral Therapy assists our bodies natural ability to heal and repair. The human body is amazing and designed to protect itself from emotional and physical stress. When we are stressed the body contracts and if there is prolonged stress or a strong emotional element it will stay contracted. This is why you can literally feel the tension when you are stressed. Is there a natural way to help with this?

With today’s fast pace of life, most of us never fully relax and recharge. It is only when we are sleeping or in a deeply relaxed stated that the body has it best opportunity to repair and heal.

I have to admit I was sceptical before I went for my first session. I did wonder how this kind of therapy could really achieve results but I was completely hooked after the first appointment. CST was one of the first things that helped me to start to feel better.

What happens in a session?

During the session you lay fully clothed on a treatment bed. The therapist uses light touch to sense what is going on in your body. They can address any area that they feel needs help. In my experience I could feel a kind of unwinding sensation as the therapist worked and afterwards a complete sense of calm and release. If you can schedule your appointment for a time when you don’t have to go straight back into rushing around you will notice even greater benefits.

Why consider this?

As children, we let off steam whenever something upsets us. It’s no surprise to see a toddler screaming while they deal with a temper tantrum, they are releasing all the pent-up emotion in their bodies. As adults, we keep shock and pain in our systems and although we may feel like we’ve dealt with the situation, very often the energy is stored in our body. If these stresses and tensions get stuck in the body, they can restrict the way it functions and lead to problems which might not show up for many years. The effects may be physical, such as in the form of headaches or back pain or they may be emotional such as anxiety or depression. Cranial Sacral Therapy helps to release this negative energy in our bodies. It was certainly one of the keys factors that played a role in my recovery, and the therapist who treated me had herself trained in CST purely because, after years of suffering with ME, this therapy had helped her to recover.

Who will benefit from this treatment?

This treatment is fantastic for helping your body to release stress and tension, but it also has amazing health benefits as mentioned above. It can feel like an indulgence to spend on therapies that we may think are not necessary, but I don’t think you will be disappointed. I have truly heard great reports from people who have tried this treatment for all sorts of ailments.

If you try it I’d love to hear your feedback

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