Your Healthy Abundant Life

Healthy Body But What About A Healthy Home ...

What we eat plays a massive part in our health and wellness, but it also makes sense to look at the products we are using in our homes as they also impact our health …

Most cleaning products in the supermarket are made of toxic substances that can play havoc with our health and upset the natural balance in our body. If you do a little research into the components of your polish, air fresheners, washing powders etc, it soon becomes clear that there are less than savoury ingredients added. Many contain human carcinogens,  and we pick these products up without a second thought on our weekly shopping trips. Not really what we want to be using around our families.

Thankfully, it is easy to make some simple changes to address this. It’s really quick and easy to make your own safer products. They are often cheaper and you can be sure of all the ingredients.

Let’s get started…. 

Air Freshener.       

When you spray shop bought air freshener you can almost smell the toxins; It is such an artificial smell. For a simple healthy alternative to freshen the air in your home follow the instructions below:

Add a cup of water to a spray bottle, add 5 – 6 drops of your favourite essential oil – Lavender is ideal, but you can experiment with these and choose the aroma that you like best. Use the spray whenever you want to freshen the air. Just make sure that you use a good quality essential oil, the aroma is amazing and also very relaxing.

Alternatively, you can make your own free standing air freshener by using 1/4 cup of baking soda in a mason jar with 5 – 6 drops of essential oil added. Cover with a piece of pretty thin material and secure with a large elastic band. You can dot these around your home and shake to reactivate the fragrance.

Mould Remover

Use 5 drops of Tea Tree oil, 5 drops Clove oil and 5 drops of Cinnamon. Mix with 1/2 cup of distilled vinegar in a spray bottle and use to clean mould. This solution will also help with mould and mildew prevention in humid areas like bathrooms.

Carpet Cleaner

Mix 2 cups of baking soda with 20 drops of Lavender oil. Sprinkle over carpets and leave for at least 1 hour before using the hoover to clean up. Leaves a wonderful smell and fresher looking carpets.

Tumble Dryer Sheets

Instead of the expense of tumble dryer sheets, not to mention the nasty added ingredients. Cut up squares of tea towels or thin material, soak in a mixture of 1/2 cup of vinegar and 8 drops of essential oil. Put them into the tumble dryer with your wet load. This not only helps the washing to smell amazing, but the aroma also drifts through your home.

Bath Cleaner

Mix 1/2 cup of baking soda with 1/2 cup vinegar and 5 drops of essential oil – lemon is ideal. Makes an excellent scrub to clean your bath with.

Pillow Spray

Add a few drops of Lavender essential oil in a spray bottle with water. Spray over your pillows and bedding. Smells divine and aids restful sleep.

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